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Using Typical🔖

Typical has three primary means of interaction - the Functional API, the Protocol API, and the Object API

The Functional API🔖

The Functional API largely mirrors the Object API. It allows you to define your types and pass them into set of high-level methods for largely the same effect as binding directly to a class with @typic.klass.


One of the benefits to the Object API is that the protocols for serialization, deserialization, and validation are generated at compile-time of the module and cached for later use. The Functional API has no compile-time optimization, so the protocols for your custom types will not be generated and cached until the first call.

There are, however, other runtime benefits to the Functional API which we’ll discuss below.

We provide a path for optimizing this initial performance hit by manually binding a protocol via typic.protocol(...). See SerDes for more.

Defining Your Data🔖

Anything goes!

No, really, for the most part, any custom type definition is valid for the Functional API. The Functional API also knows to look out for types defined with the Object API, no additional cost is incurred for interacting with an object via either API, minus the cost of a few additional function calls.

Let’s look at the models we defined in the Object API, but this time, only use the Functional API for interaction.


While we’re using dataclasses to define our data, we could also use vanilla classes, TypedDict, or NamedTuple. All we need for proper introspection is valid type annotations.

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import dataclasses
from typing import Iterable, Optional

class Instrument(str, enum.Enum):
    """The only instruments a band really needs, duh."""

    GUIT = "guitar"
    BASS = "bass"
    PIAN = "piano"
    DRUM = "drums"

class Member:
    """A member in the band, man."""

    name: str
    instrument: Instrument
    id: Optional[int] = None

class Band:
    """It's the band, man."""

    name: str
    members: Iterable[Member]
    id: Optional[int] = None

class Song:
    """A sick tune - platinum fer sure."""

    name: str
    lyrics: str
    band: Band
    id: Optional[int] = None

The important thing to take away here is that there’s virtually no difference in LOC or declaration from the standard lib and the @typic.klass declaration. This is a cornerstone of Typical’s design: Work with with standard libary, not against (or parallel) to it.

Interacting With Your Data🔖


A function which returns a JSON Schema definition of your class.

If the class was not bound using the Object API or by calling typic.protocol(), the schema will be generated at first call and then cached for later use.

Rendering a Schema
#> {
#>   "type": "object",
#>   "title": "Member",
#>   "description": "A member in the band, man.",
#>   "properties": {
#>     "id": {
#>       "type": "integer"
#>     },
#>     "instrument": {
#>       "type": "string",
#>       "enum": [
#>         "guitar",
#>         "bass",
#>         "piano",
#>         "drums"
#>       ]
#>     },
#>     "name": {
#>       "type": "string"
#>     }
#>   },
#>   "additionalProperties": false,
#>   "required": [
#>     "instrument",
#>     "name"
#>   ],
#>   "definitions": {
#>   }
#> }


Convert incoming data into an type or Annotation.

Incoming data may be:

  • Arbitrary classes (e.g., an ORM Model or other class)
  • JSON strings/bytes
  • Python literals

The type may be any valid type annotation, standard Python type, or custom user-defined class.

Transmute Data to Member
typic.transmute(Member, '{"name":"Ben","instrument":"piano"}')
#> Member(name='Ben', instrument=<Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, id=None)


Convert an instance of any arbitrary class to another arbitrary class.


This function is considerably less powerful than transmute. At a functional level, you’re encouraged to make use of that method rather than this. To understand why this function exists, take a look at its definition in the Object API.

Translate Member
class MemberORM:
    def __init__(self, name, instrument, id=None): = name
        self.instrument = instrument = id

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Member id={} name={} instrument={self.instrument}"

m = typic.transmute(Member, '{"name":"Robert","instrument":"guitar"}')
typic.translate(m, MemberORM)
#> <Member id=None name=Robert instrument=guitar


Validate some data against your an annotation or model.

Member Data Validation
typic.validate(Member, {"name": "Paul", "instrument": "anything"})
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>    ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Member.instrument: value <'anything'> fails constraints: (type=instrument, values=('guitar', 'bass', 'piano', 'drums', 'vocals'), nullable=False)


Validators don’t do any type conversion, so passing raw JSON into the typic.validate() will fail. See Validation


Convert any instance into its “primitive” equivalent.

This method effectively downgrades your model into a JSON-serializable dict.

Member to Primitive
m = typic.transmute(Member, '{"name":"Darren","instrument":"drums"}')
#> {"name": "Darren", "instrument":"drums", "id": None}


Serialize your model instance to JSON

This method will pass on any keyword arguments to the downstream serializer.

If ujson is installed, this method will default to that library.

Member to JSON
m = typic.transmute(Member, '{"name":"Darren","instrument":"drums"}')
print(typic.tojson(m, indent=2))
#> {
#>   "name": "Darren",
#>   "instrument": "drums",
#>   "id": null
#> }


It’s possible to customize your serialized representation. See SerDes.


Decode on-the-wire data into your Model.

This is useful if you plan to use a wire-format such as Avro, protocol buffers, etc.

To use custom decoders, pass in a callable which takes the input as its first argument. All other keyword-arguments are passed on to the decoder function.

Decode Binary Data to Member
def decode(o: bytes, *, encoding: str = None):
    # Pretend we're using something other than a basic .decode()...
    return o.decode(encoding=encoding)

input = '{"name":"Ben","instrument":"piano","id":1}'.encode("utf-8-sig")
typic.decode(Member, input, decoder=decode, encoding="utf-8-sig")
#> Member(name='Ben', instrument=<Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, id=1)


Encode your Model to a custom wire-format.

This is useful if you plan to use a wire-format such as Avro, protocol buffers, etc.

To use custom encoders, pass in a callable which takes the primitive representation of your Model as the first argument. All other keyword-arguments are passed on to the encoder function.

Encode a Member to Binary Data
import ujson

def encode(o: Any, *, encoding: str = None) -> bytes:
    # Pretend we're using something other than a basic dumps().encode()...
    return ujson.dumps(o).encode(encoding=encoding)

m = Member(name="Ben", instrument=Instrument.PIAN, id=1)
typic.encode(m, encoder=encode)
#> b'{"name":"Ben","instrument":"piano","id":1}'


New in version 2.4

If compatible, iterate over your data. If the object is a mapping or class, you have the option to iterate over (field, value) pairs, or simply over the values themselves.

Iterate a Member instance’s data
m = Member(name="Ben", instrument=Instrument.PIAN, id=1)

#> [('name', 'Ben'), ('instrument', <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>), ('id', 1)]

#> {'name': 'Ben', 'instrument': <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, 'id': 1}

print([*typic.iterate(m, values=True)])
#> ['Ben', <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, 1]

The Protocol API🔖

As promised, Typical provides a path for optimizing your interactions with the Functional API. This is done by calling the typic.protocol method. This method is a public alias for our type resolver’s main entry-point. This means that the protocol provided by this method is guaranteed to work exactly as the methods on a class bound by the Object API. Additionally, all high-level functional calls are guaranteed to have the same result as calls to the bound protocol.

Using Protocols🔖

Binding a protocol gives us the best of both the Object and Functional APIs. We get the benefit of the Object API’s optimistic caching and brevity alongside the flexibility of the Functional API for interacting with virtually any type or class directly.


Get a Serialization/Deserialization Protocol for the given type or annotation.

Bind a Protocol to Member
protocol = typic.protocol(Member)
#> Member(name='Ben', instrument=<Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, id=None)
Bind a Protocol to an Annotation

from typing import Mapping

MemberMappingT = Mapping[str, Member]
protocol = typic.protocol(MemberMappingT)

mapping = protocol.transmute(b'{"vocalist":{"name":"Janis","instrument":"vocals"}}')

#> {'vocalist': Member(name='Janis', instrument=<Instrument.VOCL: 'vocals'>, id=None)}

#> '{"vocalist":{"name":"Janis","instrument":"vocals","id":null}}'

protocol.validate({"vocalist": {"name": "Al", "instrument": "xylophone"}})
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Member.instrument: value <'xylophone'> fails constraints: (type=instrument, values=('guitar', 'bass', 'piano', 'drums', 'vocals'), nullable=False)

As shown in the example above, we can get a protocol for a class and use that protocol to transmute inputs into the bound type.

We can also run validation, get a JSON schema, translate instances of our class to another arbitrary class, get primitive representations of instances, and dump instances to JSON.

The Object API🔖

As touched on in Basics, you can interact with the Object API in two ways: and @typic.klass. What’s the difference? Very little. will wrap any class, but works best when combined with dataclasses. This is because of the declarative nature of defining fields and input which dataclasses provide. To whit…

@typic.klass is a short-hand for the combination, which also provides a slightly more powerful API. For brevity (the soul of wit), we’ll be using @typic.klass for the examples in this section.

Defining your Objects🔖


If you’re unfamiliar with dataclasses, it’s best to take some time now and review the official documentation and PEP 557.

As you’ve seen previously, defining your data is as simple as following the now-familiar pattern across many libraries:

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import typic
from typing import Iterable, Optional

class Instrument(str, enum.Enum):
    """The only instruments a band really needs, duh."""

    GUIT = "guitar"
    BASS = "bass"
    PIAN = "piano"
    DRUM = "drums"
    VOCL = "vocals"

class Member:
    """A member in the band, man."""

    name: str
    instrument: Instrument
    id: Optional[int] = None

class Band:
    """It's the band, man."""

    name: str
    members: Iterable[Member]
    id: Optional[int] = None

class Song:
    """A sick tune - platinum fer sure."""

    name: str
    lyrics: str
    band: Band
    id: Optional[int] = None

The @typic.klass decorator is built on top of the @dataclass.dataclass decorator, so any parameter which the @dataclass.dataclass decorator accepts is also accepted by @typic.klass, plus a few more:

strict: bool = False

This enables “strict” validation of inputs. See validation.

jsonschema: bool = True

Generate a JSON Schema definition for your object.

serde: SerdeFlags = None

Customize the serialization & deserialization of your object. See SerDes.

slots: bool = True

Automatically generate a class with slots for the attributes defined by your annotations.

always: bool = True

Whether typical should coerce all values set to the class whenever they change, or only once, on initialization of the class.

Interacting With Your Objects🔖

As we’ve already demonstrated, Typical will guarantee the data passed into your models is parsed and transformed into the data you defined.

First, let’s define the API. Below are the methods which Typical will bind to your object when it is wrapped with or @typic.klass.


A classmethod which returns a JSON Schema definition of your class.

This schema is computed and cached at compile-time so runtime calls incur no additional compute time.

Rendering a Schema
#> {
#>   "type": "object",
#>   "title": "Member",
#>   "description": "A member in the band, man.",
#>   "properties": {
#>     "id": {
#>       "type": "integer"
#>     },
#>     "instrument": {
#>       "type": "string",
#>       "enum": [
#>         "guitar",
#>         "bass",
#>         "piano",
#>         "drums"
#>       ]
#>     },
#>     "name": {
#>       "type": "string"
#>     }
#>   },
#>   "additionalProperties": false,
#>   "required": [
#>     "instrument",
#>     "name"
#>   ],
#>   "definitions": {
#>   }
#> }


Convert incoming data into your Model.

This supports:

  • Arbitrary classes (e.g., an ORM Model or other class)
  • JSON strings/bytes
  • Python literals
Transmute Data to Member
#> Member(name='Ben', instrument=<Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, id=None)


Convert an instance of your model to another arbitrary class.

Translate Member
class MemberORM:
    def __init__(self, name, instrument, id=None): = name
        self.instrument = instrument = id

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Member id={} name={} instrument={self.instrument}"

m = Member.transmute('{"name":"Robert","instrument":"guitar"}')
#> <Member id=None name=Robert instrument=guitar

It’s possible to translate to another class, then transmute back. e.g.:

m = Member.transmute('{"name":"Robert","instrument":"guitar"}')
orm = m.translate(MemberORM)
... ## (do stuff with orm, save it, etc.)
#> Member(name='Robert', instrument=<Instrument.GUIT: 'guitar'>, id=1)


Validate some data against your model.

Member Data Validation
Member.validate({"name": "Paul", "instrument": "anything"})
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>    ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Member.instrument: value <'anything'> fails constraints: (type=instrument, values=('guitar', 'bass', 'piano', 'drums', 'vocals'), nullable=False)


Validators don’t do any type resolution, so passing raw JSON into the .validate() method will fail. See Validation


Convert your model instance into its “primitive” equivalent.

This method effectively downgrades your model into a JSON-serializable dict.

Member to Primitive
m = Member.transmute('{"name":"Darren","instrument":"drums"}')
#> {"name": "Darren", "instrument":"drums", "id": None}


Serialize your model instance to JSON

This method will pass on any keyword arguments to the downstream serializer.

If ujson is installed, this method will default to that library.

Member to JSON
m = Member.transmute('{"name":"Darren","instrument":"drums"}')
#> {
#>   "name": "Darren",
#>   "instrument": "drums",
#>   "id": null
#> }


It’s possible to customize your serialized representation. See SerDes.


Decode on-the-wire data into your Model.

This is useful if you plan to use a wire-format such as Avro, protocol buffers, etc.

To use custom decoders, pass in a callable which takes the input as its first argument. All other keyword-arguments are passed on to the decoder function.

Decode Binary Data to Member
def decode(o: bytes, *, encoding: str = None):
    # Pretend we're using something other than a basic .decode()...
    return o.decode(encoding=encoding)

class Member:
    name: str
    instrument: Instrument
    id: int = None

input = '{"name":"Ben","instrument":"piano","id":1}'.encode("utf-8-sig")
Member.decode(input, encoding="utf-8-sig")
#> Member(name='Ben', instrument=<Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, id=1)


Encode your Model to a custom wire-format.

This is useful if you plan to use a wire-format such as Avro, protocol buffers, etc.

To use custom encoders, pass in a callable which takes the Model instance as its first argument. All other keyword-arguments are passed on to the encoder function.

Encode a Member to Binary Data
def encode(o: bytes, *, encoding: str = None):
    # Pretend we're using something other than a basic .encode()...
    return o.encode(encoding=encoding)

class Member:
    name: str
    instrument: Instrument
    id: int = None

m = Member(name="Ben", instrument="piano", id=1)
#> b'{"name":"Ben","instrument":"piano","id":1}'


New in version 2.4

If compatible, iterate over your model instance’s data. This will default to yielding (field, value) pairs. You can retrieve just values by passing values=True.

The default behavior is also attached as the __iter__() magic method for your instance.

Iterate a Member instance’s data
m = Member(name="Ben", instrument=Instrument.PIAN, id=1)

#> [('name', 'Ben'), ('instrument', <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>), ('id', 1)]

#> {'name': 'Ben', 'instrument': <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, 'id': 1}

#> {'name': 'Ben', 'instrument': <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, 'id': 1}

#> ['Ben', <Instrument.PIAN: 'piano'>, 1]

Which API Should I Use?🔖

The Functional API is the least intrusive way to introduce Typical into your code-base. It also has the benefit of greater flexibility w.r.t. which types can actually be supported out-of-the-box.

The Protocol API provides a slight runtime performance boost and the benefit of explicitly defining, customizing, and using your protocols, but also retains all the flexibility of the Functional API. In practice, this is probably the best choice for most situations.

Finally, if you prefer the pattern of containing ser/des logic within the model definition itself, the Object API is there to fill that void.

Wrap Up and Next Steps🔖

We’ve seen the supported high-level APIs and been given a variety of avenues with which to interact with types in your Python application. In the next few pages we’ll dive deeper on interacting with native Python types, annotations from the typing library, and some extended types provided by this library. We’ll also take a look at how we can customize the shape of our data on on serialization (such as converting field names to camelCase, etc.).