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The Ser/Des Protocol🔖

The core of Typical’s protocol resolution logic is the Resolver. It provides the central entry-point for our APIs, which allows us to maintain feature symmetry between the Object API, the Functional API, and the The Protocol API. The Resolver is responsible for the following work:

  • Resolve the type or annotation to an operational runtime description.
  • Generate a protocol for deserialization, translation, and validation of incoming data.
  • Generate a protocol for the translation and serialization of outgoing data.

The result of this work is a single SerdesProtocol object which understands how to interact with inputs and outputs which conform to the type annotation it’s been given. The Protocol API exposes this object directly, the Object API binds this protocol to the type definition, and the Functional API uses this protocol internally.

We won’t go over the API of the SerdesProtocol again, as it has already been described in detail in Using Typical. Instead, we’re going to focus on how you can customize the protocol to suite your needs.

Customizing Your Ser/Des Protocol🔖

Typical provides a path for you to customize how your data is transmuted into your custom classes, and how it is dumped back to its primitive form. It all starts with this factory:


case: Optional[typic.common.Case] = None

Select the case-style for the input/output fields.

exclude: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None

Provide a set of fields which will be excluded from the output.

fields: Union[Tuple[str, ...], Mapping[str, str], None] = None

Ensure a set of fields are included in the output. If given a mapping, provide a mapping to the output field name.

omit: Optional[Tuple[Union[Type, Any], ...]] = None

Provide a tuple of types or values which should be omitted on serialization.

signature_only: bool = False

Restrict the output of serialization to the class signature.

encoder: Callable[..., bytes] = None

Provide a callable which will encode the data to a custom wire format.

decoder: Callable[..., Any] = None

Provide a callable which will decode the data from a custom wire format.

The simplest method for customizing your protocol is via the Protocol API.

Customizing a dataclass Protocol
import dataclasses
import json

import typic

def encode(o):
    return json.dumps(o).encode("utf-8-sig")

def decode(o):
    return json.loads(o.decode("utf-8-sig"))

class Foo:
    bar: str
    exclude: str = None

foo = Foo("bar", "exc")
flags = typic.flags(fields={"bar": "Bar"}, exclude=("exclude",), decoder=decode, encoder=encode)
proto = typic.protocol(Foo, flags=flags)

#> {'Bar': 'bar'}

#> '{"Bar":"bar"}'

#> b'\xef\xbb\xbf{"Bar": "bar"}'

print(proto.decode(b'\xef\xbb\xbf{"Bar": "bar"}'))
#> Foo(bar='bar', exclude=None)

You can also assign the __serde_flags__ attribute on any class.

Pinned Customization on Classes
class Foo:
    __serde_flags__ = typic.flags(fields=("bar", "prop"))
    prop: int
    bar: str = ""

    def prop(self) -> int:
        return 0

proto = typic.protocol(Foo)
#> {'prop': 0, 'bar': ''}

Or even pass in pre-defined flags when creating a protocol for an arbitrary annotation.

Pre-defined Flags for Arbitrary Protocols
import typic
from typing import Mapping

flags = typic.flags(case=typic.Case.CAMEL)
mapping_proto = typic.protocol(Mapping, flags=flags)

print(mapping_proto.tojson({"foo_bar": 1}))
#> '{"fooBar":1}'