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Working with Types🔖

Typical is Python’s Typing Toolkit. Below we’ll walk you through what that means.

Postponed Annotations🔖

Typical natively supports type annotations defined with forward references for all interfaces. This support is automatic and requires no additional configuration:

from __future__ import annotations

import typic

class A:
    b: B

class B:
    c: int

print(A.transmute({"b": {"c": "1"}}))
#> A(b=B(c=1))


The type you reference must be available within the global namespace of the enclosing object. Otherwise, the reference will be treated as an anonymous type and not be proactively transmuted.

Self-referencing (Recursive) Types🔖

As a side-effect of our support for postponed annotations, Typical also supports self-referential (recursive) types:

from __future__ import annotations

import typic
import dataclasses
from typing import Optional

class Node:
    pos: int
    child: Optional[Node] = None

n = typic.transmute(Node, {"pos": 0, "child": {"pos": 1}})
#> Node(pos=0, child=Node(pos=1, child=None))

#> {"pos":0,"child":{"pos":1,"child":null}}

Circular Dependencies🔖

As another side-effect of postponed annotation support, Typical also handles types which have circular dependencies upon each other:

from __future__ import annotations

import typic
from typing import Optional

class A:
    b: Optional[B] = None

class B:
    a: Optional[A] = None

a = A.transmute({"b": {"a": {}}})
#> A(b=B(a=A(b=None)))

#> {"b":{"a":{"b":null}}}

About those __future__ imports

PEP 563 introduced a new methodology for the analysis of annotations at runtime which treats all annotations as strings until the runtime types are explicitly fetched. This greatly simplifies the development overhead for type resolution and also removes the need for wrapping annotations referencing potentially undefined or recursive types in quotes "".

You’re highly encouraged to adopt this import in your Python3.7-8 code. Starting with Python 3.9, it is the default behavior.

The Standard Library🔖

Typical is built upon the standard typing library. Virtually any valid static type may be reflected and managed by Typical. Just follow the rules defined by PEP 484 and you’re good to go!

Beyond classes, standard types, and the annotation syntax provided by the typing library, Typical also natively supports extended types defined in the following standard modules & bases:

Additionally, we maintain mapping of typing/collection ABCs to actionable runtime type:

ABC Builtin
typing.Mapping dict
typing.MutableMapping dict
typing.Collection list
typing.Iterable list
typing.Sequence list
typing.MutableSequence list
typing.AbstractSet set
typing.MutableSet set
typing.Hashable str

Literal Types🔖

New in version 2.1

typical supports validation of Literal types, as described in PEP 586.

Literals are a bit like Unions and Enums had a love child, meaning that they may be subscripted with a series of inputs that are considered “valid”. Unlike Unions and like Enums, Literals declare specific primitive values (i.e., builtins). Valid annotations include:

from typic.compat import Literal

Literal[1, None]
Literal[1, "foo", b'bar']

An interesting side-effect of their similarity is that a Literal of the form Literal[..., None] is equivalent to Optional[Literal[...]]

For an exhaustive explanation, see the PEP linked above.

For typical, this means we can resolve a deserializer with behavior similar to Enums and Unions.

import typic
from typic.compat import Literal

Literally1 = Literal[1]

print(typic.transmute(Literally1, b"1"))
#> 1

LessThan4 = Literal[0, 1, 2, 3]
print(typic.transmute(LessThan4, b"1"))
#> 1

Literals provide a means of runtime validation as well:

typic.transmute(LessThan4, 5)
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Given value <5> fails constraints: (type=Literal, values=(0, 1, 2, 3), nullable=False)

If the Literal has values of multiple types, we treat it as a Union type and cannot proactively deserialize the input, but we can still validate against the constraint:

SuperImportantValues = Literal[1, "foo"]

typic.transmute(SuperImportantValues, b"foo")
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Given value <b'foo'> fails constraints: (type=Literal, values=(1, 'foo'), nullable=False)

Unions (Polymorphic Types)🔖

🐉 Here be dragons 🐉

Tagged Unions🔖

New in version 2.1

typical supports Tagged Unions, as described in Mypy’s documentation.

In a strongly-typed container, such as a TypedDict or NamedTuple, or a more standard class, this means if a field is annotated with a constant value, it can be considered a “tag” or “discriminator” when analyzed within a Union.

typical currently supports annotating your tag using ClassVars or Literals.

Expanding on our example from the API Docs:

from __future__ import annotations

import enum
import dataclasses
from typing import ClassVar, Iterable, Optional, Union

import typic

class Instrument(str, enum.Enum):
    """The only instruments a band really needs, duh."""

    GUIT = "guitar"
    BASS = "bass"
    PIAN = "piano"
    DRUM = "drums"

class BaseMember:
    """A member in the band, man."""

    instrument: ClassVar[Instrument]
    name: str
    id: Optional[int] = None

    def _catch_phrase(self) -> str:
        return "played"

    def play(self) -> str:
        return f"{} {self._catch_phrase} the {self.instrument.value}!"

class Drummer(BaseMember):
    """It all about those sick beats."""
    instrument = Instrument.DRUM

class BassPlayer(BaseMember):
    """Slappin out that rhythm."""
    instrument = Instrument.BASS

    def _catch_phrase(self) -> str:
        return "slapped"

class GuitarPlayer(BaseMember):
    """Shred it."""
    instrument = Instrument.GUIT

class PianoPlayer(BaseMember):
    """Let's face it, I'm the true genius."""
    instrument = Instrument.PIAN

BandMemberT = Union[Drummer, BassPlayer, GuitarPlayer, PianoPlayer]

class Band:
    """It's the band, man."""

    name: str
    members: Iterable[BandMemberT]
    id: Optional[int] = None

class Song:
    """A sick tune - platinum fer sure."""

    name: str
    lyrics: str
    band: Band
    id: Optional[int] = None

Now that we’re able to use polymorphism for our Band member types, we can take advantage of those sick OOP patterns we all love, such as defining a base interface and overloading methods on child classes. And with typical, you get your deserialization for free!

member_proto = typic.protocol(BandMemberT)

member = member_proto.transmute({"instrument": "bass", "name": "Robert"})
#> Robert slapped the bass!

When combining postponed annotations with polymorphic types, you’re highly encouraged to add from __future__ import annotations to the top of your module.

If you don’t like that pattern, then you should wrap the entire annotation in quotes, rather than the single recursive or circular type in the Union.


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union

import typic
from typic.compat import Literal

class ABlah:
    key: Literal[3]
    field: Union[AFoo, ABar, ABlah, None]

class AFoo:
    key: Literal[1]
    field: str

class ABar:
    key: Literal[2]
    field: bytes


from typing import Union

import typic
from typic.compat import Literal

class ABlah:
    key: Literal[3]
    field: "Union[AFoo, ABar, ABlah, None]"

class AFoo:
    key: Literal[1]
    field: str

class ABar:
    key: Literal[2]
    field: bytes


from typing import Union

import typic
from typic.compat import Literal

class ABlah:
    key: Literal[3]
    field: Union[AFoo, ABar, "ABlah", None]

class AFoo:
    key: Literal[1]
    field: str

class ABar:
    key: Literal[2]
    field: bytes

Generic Unions🔖

While you’re highly encouraged to make use of Tagged Unions for your polymorphic types, typical can generate a deserializer for generic unions as well. This is intended for use when it’s simply not possible to define a discriminator for your union.

New in version 2.6

Tagged Union deserialization is O(1) where N is the number of target types. Generic Unions are O(N). Keep this in mind when defining your types - you may be better-served by re-working your data model.

When defining your Generic Union, you’re encouraged to order your types from most specific to least. As a part of the implementation, we treat the possible types as FIFO queue, taking a type from the top of the stack and attempting deserialization. If all attempt at deserialization fail, we raise a ValueError.

Working with Generic Unions


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union

import typic

# `str` should never be first! Everything can be a string...
proto = typic.protocol(Union[str, int])
#> <class 'str'>


from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Union

import typic

proto = typic.protocol(Union[int, str])
#> <class 'int'>


In static typing, Union[str, int] and Union[int, str] are identical. For Python, this means they have the same hash value, which in turn breaks typical’s caching mechanism. Tread carefully when defining your types and always ensure you define your union from most to least strict.

Constraining Builtin Types🔖

Typical provides a path for defining “constrained” types based upon Python builtins. This gives you a means to express limited types in a declarative manner. There is some overlap between constrained types and JSON Schema - this is intentional. However, Typical’s constraints are built with Python types in mind, so there are small, but important differences between the two implementations.


It should be noted that Typical’s constraint syntax is the means by which we generate JSON Schema definitions.

The public interface for constraining types is the @typic.constrained decorator. Specific keywords are defined by the type which is being constrained.

The Constraints API🔖

It all starts with a single decorator:


Create a “constrained” subclass of a Python builtin type.


Attempting to constrain a type not explicitly listed below will result in a TypeError.

An ID Class
import typic

class ID(int):
    """An integer which must be >= 1"""

#> 1

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>  ...
#> typic.constraints.error.ConstraintValueError: Given value <0> fails constraints: (type=int, nullable=False, coerce=False, ge=1)


The following builtin types are currently supported by the numeric constraints system:

  • int
  • float
  • decimal.Decimal

Number constraints all have share these parameters:

gt: Optional[Number] = None

The value inputs must be greater-than.

ge: Optional[Number] = None

The value inputs must be greater-than-or-equal-to.

lt: Optional[Number] = None

The value inputs must be less-than.

le: Optional[Number] = None

The value inputs must be less-than-or-equal-to.

mul: Optional[Number] = None

The value inputs must be a multiple-of.

Additionally, you may define the following constraints for subclasses of Decimal:

max_digits: Optional[int] = None

The maximum allowed digits for the input.

decimal_places: Optional[int] = None

The maximum allowed decimal places for the input.


Numbers may not define conflicting constraints (e.g., > & >=). Rather than deal with this silently, we will raise a ConstraintSyntaxError.


The following builtins are currently supported by the textual constraints system:

  • str
  • bytes

Text constraints all share the following parameters:

strip_whitespace: Optional[bool] = None

Whether to strip any whitespace from the input.

Callers Beware

This will result in mutation of the provided input.

min_length: Optional[int] = None

The minimun length this input text must be.

max_length: Optional[int] = None

The maximum length this input text may be.

curtail_length: Optional[int] = None

Whether to cut off characters after the defined length.

Callers Beware

This will result in mutation of the provided input.

regex: Optional[Pattern[Text]] = None

A regex pattern which the input must match.


The following builtins are currently supported but the array constraints system:

  • list
  • tuple
  • set
  • frozenset
  • collections.deque

Array constraints share the following parameters:

min_items: Optional[int] = None

The minimum number of items which must be present in the array.

max_items: Optional[int] = None

The maximum number of items which may be present in the array.

unique: Optional[bool] = None

Whether this array should only have unique items.

Callers Beware

This will result in mutation of the provided input.

values: Optional["ConstraintsT"] = None

The constraints for which the items in the array must adhere.

This can be a single type-constraint, or a tuple of multiple constraints.


set & frozenset constraints default unique=True. This makes sense, as they are unique by nature.


The mapping constraint system currently only supports dict.

min_items: Optional[int] = None

The minimum number of items which must be present in this mapping.

max_items: Optional[int] = None

The maximum number of items which may be present in this mapping.

required_keys: FrozenSet[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=frozenset)

A frozenset of keys which must be present in the mapping.

key_pattern: Optional[Pattern] = None

A regex pattern for which all keys must match.

items: Optional[FrozenDict[Hashable, "ConstraintsT"]] = None

A mapping of constraints associated to specific keys.

patterns: Optional[FrozenDict[Pattern, "ConstraintsT"]] = None

A mapping of constraints associated to any key which match the regex pattern.

values: Optional["ConstraintsT"] = None

Whether values not defined as required are allowed

May be a boolean, or more constraints which are applied to all additional values.

keys: Optional["ConstraintsT"] = None

Constraints to apply to any additional keys not explicitly defined.

key_dependencies: Optional[FrozenDict[str, KeyDependency]] = None

A mapping of keys and their dependent restrictions if they are present.

A ‘key dependency’ defines constraints which are applied only if a key is present.

This can be either a tuple of dependent keys, or an additional mapping constraints, which is treated as a sub-schema to the parent constraints.

total: Optional[bool] = False

Whether to consider this schema as the ‘total’ representation


If a mapping is total=True, no additional keys/values are allowed and cannot be defined.

Conversely, if a mapping is total=False, required_keys cannot not be defined.

The Constraints system is based largely upon JSON Schema, and those familiar with the specification have likely already noted the many similarities.

This system has been customized for the Python-specific type topology, so there are some subtle, but important, differences between the two.

In the case of mapping constraints, you’re encouraged to familiarize yourself with the JSON Schema: Object documentation, as the more advanced (and unwieldy) pieces such as key-dependencies are derived from there.

In general, if your mapping constraints get too complex, you’re encouraged to make use of legitimate classes or TypedDict.


The Constraints API has defined the following errors:


A generic error indicating a value violates a constraint.

The error message will provide the value provided and the constraints which were violated.


A generic error indicating an improperly defined constraint.

This will be raised at compile-time, not as a surprise during run-time.

Extended Types🔖

Typical also ships with a library of extended types to make your daily work a breeze:


All networking types are subclasses of str, so are natively JSON-serializable. They provide an info attribute which itself provides accessors to useful information regarding the specific type.

All network addresses are immutable and no attributes may be set or removed.

.info Property🔖

Unless otherwise specified, the info attribute will contain an instance of NetAddrInfo with the following attributes, propertes, and methods:

scheme: str

The net-address scheme, e.g., http, tcp, ssh, etc.

auth: str

The user auth info.

password: SecretStr

The user’s password.

host: str

The host for this address, e.g.,

port: int

The port for this net-address

path: str

The URI path.

qs: str

The query-string, unparsed, e.g. ?id=1&name=foo

params: str

The url parameters, unparsed, e.g. id=2;foo=bar

fragment: str

The uri fragment, e.g. #some-page-anchor

base: str

The ‘base’ of the URL, including scheme, auth, and host.

relative: str

The ‘relative’ portion of the URL: path, params, query, and fragment.

address: str

The fully-qualified network address.

If this instance was generated from a string, it will match.

address_encoded: str

The fully-qualified network address, encoded.

query: Mapping[str, List[str]]:

The query-string, parsed into a mapping of key -> [values, …].

parameters: Mapping[str, List[str]]:

The params, parsed into a mapping of key -> [values, …].

is_default_port: bool

Whether address is using the default port assigned to the given scheme.

is_relative: bool

Whether address is ‘relative’ (i.e., whether a scheme is provided).

is_absolute: bool

The opposite of is_relative.

is_private: bool

Whether or not the URL is using a ‘private’ host, i.e., ‘localhost’.

is_internal: bool

Whether the host provided is an ‘internal’ host.

This may or may not be private, hence the distinction.


This is the base class for all Networking types. It’s fully functional and may be used on its own if desired, but the inheritors defined below provide their own advanced features and are much more useful at runtime.

Working with a NetworkAddress
import typic

net_addr = typic.NetworkAddress(";foo=bar?buzz=1#loc")
#> ';foo=bar?buzz=1#loc'

#> True

#> ''

#> 'http'

#> 'http%3A//'

#> mappingproxy({'buzz': ['1']})

#> mappingproxy({'foo': ['bar']})

#> 'loc'

domain = typic.NetworkAddress("")
#> ''

#> True

#> ''

#> ';foo=bar?buzz=1#loc'

#> '[";foo=bar?buzz=1#loc"]'


A URL is a Network Address which may be “joined” with additional paths, similar to the implementation in pathlib

Working with URLs
import typic

url = typic.URL("")
#> ''

more = url / 'foo' / 'bar'
#> ''

print(typic.URL( / 'other')
#> ''


An AbsoluteURL is a URL which must have a scheme and host.

Working with AbsoluteURLs
import typic

pep484 = typic.AbsoluteURL("")

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.types.url.AbsoluteURLValueError: <'/foo'> is not an absolute URL.


A RelativeURL is a URL which must not have a scheme and host.

Working with RelativeURLs
import typic

pep484 = typic.RelativeURL("/dev/peps/pep-0484/")
#> /dev/peps/pep-0484/

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.types.url.RelativeURLValueError: <''> is not a relative URL.


A HostName is a URL which must only have a host.

Working with RelativeURLs
import typic

python = typic.HostName("")

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#>   ...
#> typic.types.url.HostNameValueError: <''> is not a hostname.


The following network address types have their own info implementations and validation.


A D(ata)S(ource)N(ame) string. This is essentially a URL, but the api is already well-defined with different attributes than a standard URL.

Working with DSNs
import typic
dsn = typic.DSN("postgresql://user:secret@localhost:5432/mydb")
#> 'postgresql://user:secret@localhost:5432/mydb'
#> 'localhost'
#> True
#> True
#> 'user'
print(   # This has been converted to a secret :)
#> ******
#> '/mydb'
#> 'postgresql'
#> '["postgresql://user:secret@localhost:5432/mydb"]'


We all know what an Email is!

Working with Emails
import typic

email = typic.Email("Foo Bar <>")
#> Foo Bar <>
#> True
#> '["Foo Bar <>"]'


Typical provides two subclasses of pathlib.Path:

  1. FilePath
    • A Path object which must point to a file.
  2. DirectoryPath
    • A Path object which must point ot a directory.

Due to the implementation of Paths, these subclasses require that a path exists in order for the validation to be successful.



A hashable, immutable dictionary. This inherits directly from Python’s dict builtin and is natively JSON serializable.

Working with FrozenDict
import typic

fdict = typic.FrozenDict({"foo": ["bar"]})
#> True

#> ('bar',)

new = fdict.mutate({"bazz": "buzz"}, bazz="blah")
#> {'foo': ('bar',), 'bazz': 'blah'}

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#> ...
#> TypeError: attempting to mutate immutable type 'FrozenDict'

del fdict["foo"]
#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#> ...
#> TypeError: attempting to mutate immutable type 'FrozenDict'

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#> ...
#> TypeError: attempting to mutate immutable type 'FrozenDict'

#> Traceback (most recent call last):
#> ...
#> TypeError: attempting to mutate immutable type 'FrozenDict'

SecretStr & SecretBytes🔖

A subclass of str (or bytes, respectively) which masks its value on repr. Secrets can be accessed with the .value attribute.

Working with Secrets
import typic

mysecret = typic.SecretStr("The Ring is in Frodo's pocket.")
#> ******************************

#> The Ring is in Frodo's pocket.

#> '******************************'

#> '["The Ring is in Frodo\\'s pocket."]'